The vision is part of the 5 primordial senses in human beings and some animals. The eyes are the organs that make up the sense of sight. They are receptors of the light stimuli that man perceives, transforming into electrical impulses to the brain to create the possibility of seeing images, the shape of objects, distinguishing …
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The Benefits of Early Morning Yoga
Yoga is one of the best exercises for the health of your entire body. The busiest yoga classes tend to be later in the day when people are getting out of work or school. However, moving your yoga routine to the morning can actually have even more of a beneficial impact. Traditional yoga texts state …
How to Wear a Bralette with Yoga Leggings
With spring on its way, many yogis are beginning to look ahead to what the warmer weather is certain to bring. Fashion styles are changing, and it’s time to pull those warmer tank tops and t-shirts out of their winter storage. Along with these cooler clothing items, you may want to invest in one of …
Vata, Pitta, And Kapha – Understanding The Three Doshas
According to Ayurveda, there are three doshas – Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Ether and air make the Vata dosh, air and fire make the Pitta dosha and earth and water come together to make the Kapha dosha. These doshas are represented througho
The Healing Power Of Yoga
Are Compression Pants Warm Enough For Yoga?
Plant Based Diet
Even though I do not exclude myself from eating meat when I feel like my body needs it, my meals are g